by Stuart Barnes

Stuart Barnes
Stuart Barnes was born in Hobart and lived in Melbourne for seventeen years before moving to Rockhampton. He is the author of Like To The Lark (Upswell Publishing, 2023) and Glasshouses (University of Queensland Press, 2016), which won the Arts Queensland Thomas Shapcott Poetry Prize, was commended for the FAW Anne Elder Award and shortlisted for the ASAL Mary Gilmore Award. His poetry appears in The Anthology of Australian Prose Poetry, Antipodes (USA), The Moth (Ireland), POETRY (Chicago) and Poetry Wales, has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, awarded the Gwen Harwood Poetry Prize and shortlisted for the Montreal International Poetry Prize, the Australian Catholic University Prize for Poetry and the Newcastle Poetry Prize. From 2013–2017 Stuart was poetry editor of Tincture Journal. He has guest-edited issues of Australian Poetry Journal, Cordite Poetry Review and Rabbit: a journal for nonfiction poetry. He tweets and grams as @StuartABarnes. stuartabarnes.com.